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© 2024 by CypherFace Technologies Inc.

Getting Started

Cypherface exposes simple RESTful API to initiate bank transfers, validate counterparty bank accounts, monitor activity in your accounts, and more. The API operates over HTTP and all requests/responses are JSON objects.

To get started, log-in to the web application and access your organization settings to see your API key.

API Reference

Authentication Method

All requests must be made over HTTPS and will be authenticated over standard HTTP basic authentication.

API Authentication Username & Password

Authentication requires a username and a password. When these values are requested in console/terminal, programming libraries, SDKs, use the values for username and password:

Contact Cypherface Support

In order to get your Cypherface Payment API key, please contact Wink Support at

User Registration

Verify and get current user profile information.

Add users or connect registry to register unique users.

Face Registration

The API will use the front camera of a phone & tablet, webcam, or the cameras present in checkout counters to register the face.


During checkout users can verify their account balance and explore other payment option


List payment links

Authorize payment

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